If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. It is advisable to chart out a plan and try to stick to it every day. You need commitment, and commitment, my friend is a choice. Be committed to following it daily. Write down your Vision and Goal as well. List your priorities, in order of importance. Keep a record of your daily work. Write an aphorism and read it aloud daily, for e.g. "Every day in every way my life gets better and better." And start visualizing and imaging the vision and goal and success in your Mind.
Everything first originates in the mind. Do not complicate things in your mind. Break your goal down in to smaller things and it will look a lot less complicated and a lot less difficult to achieve. With the positive frame of mind, you should take action to attain your goal. Confidence plays a major role in achieving success. Confidence is not something that you wait for and expect to reach you out of nowhere. If you are working hard and totally focused on what you are doing, you can achieve confidence. "If you have the desire to succeed, you'll find ways to overcome your challenges". Positivity and confidence together with right knowledge will work wonders.
It is said that knowledge is power. How true it is! "To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge." Nicolas Copernicus, b.1473. Try to spend some time improving your knowledge by reading Books on self-help, motivation and other experts who are successful in their concerned fields. Their Endeavour and struggle to fame and success will definitely motivate you to attain your goal. To stay motivated you should mingle with right kind of people.
You are judged by with whom you associate. Yes, it makes a high impact on you and your life. If you hang around with people who are negative minded, you will never feel positively energized or charged. Nor you will be stimulated to take Positive steps. If you are friends with whiners, drunkards, etc. you will end up becoming a whiner and drunkard as well. If you want to succeed, remove all the negative people from your group. As your old connections end, new connections will open up for your good. You move ahead and associate with only the right kind of people who are positive. They will be of great support to you and boost your confidence level and help you reach your goal.
Do not be afraid of failures. Failures lead you toward success. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." – Winston Churchill. Stop running away from failures and problems. Face them head on. Look out for solutions. Do not panic. Problems also bring opportunities. Try to cash in on it. Do not dwell on the past failures. "What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail"?-Dr Robert Schuller. Well! Go ahead and succeed. Have a Great Successful Life!
Author: Raja Arun
Brought to you by Life Coaching by LC
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